Ubi Caritas

Monday, March 06, 2006

My Take On The Oscars

I shall now join the ranks of the millions of bloggers who have mentioned, criticized, commented on, discussed or contemplated the Oscars.
First of all, let it be said that I have never watched an Oscars show. Movie stars are usually a great deal pleasanter and more intelligent when they are in the movies than when they aren't. Furthermore, after Halle Berry went on and on and ON about during an acceptance speech how proud she was of her black heritage when her (black) father beat the crap out of her (white) mother on a regular basis (before abandoning them both), I wanted to puke.
However, I am utterly delighted that the "gay cowboy" movie (they weren't cowboys, they were sheepherders, and cowboys are notorious for their, ummm, heterosexuality) won a mere 3 Oscars. To put that in perspective, Peter Jackson's King Kong won 3 Oscars.
Crash won "Best Picture." Well, it had Sandra Bullock in it. I have yet to see Sandra Bullock in a movie in which I didn't like her (While You Were Sleeping was one of the best comedies ever, but that scene in which the family is opening presents and gabbing a mile a minute and she is just sitting there, watching and smiling but not really involved is a GREAT moment in film; you would think she must know what it is like to go from having no family to having a huge, wonderful family--ie, being really happy but still kind of unsure).
Rachel Weisz won "Best Supporting Actress" for her role in The Constant Gardener. She is another actress who I have yet to not like in a movie. The Mummy movies were more humorous than horrifying, but I loved her in both of them. That moment in the first Mummy movie in which she knocked over a dozen or so bookcases of ancient books is priceless. Of course, that is coming from someone who could easily see herself doing that. I did find it somewhat...interesting...that when I asked Yahoo for pictures of Weisz (wanted to see her Oscar gown, which was absolutely gorgeous, by the way) the first picture available after the Oscar photos was one in which Weisz was wearing nothing but a strategically arranged (live) boa constrictor.
Reese Witherspoon got "Best Actress." I can't STAND Reese Witherspoon since the Legally Blonde movies, but I love Johnny Cash so I'll pass on that one.
George Clooney (raving liberal conspiracy-theorist nutjob) got "Best Supporting Actor" for his role in Syriana. Argh. He might be all of the above but he is a good actor.
March of the Penguins got "Best Documentary." Maybe I'm just not a documentary gal, but by the end of the however-many-hours that movie lasted (it couldn't possibly have actually been six hours long but it felt that way) all I wanted to do was scream "Quit waddling back and forth across the Antarctic wasteland, get behind an ice hill and lay your eggs and then take turns eating!" On the other hand, it could have been Michael Moore. 'Nuff said.
As far as music goes, this year was a wash. It's Hard Out Here For A Pimp (I kid you not) got "Best Song" while the score of Brokeback Mountain got "Best Soundtrack."
Brokeback Mountain also got "Best Director" and "Best Screenplay." I could have made several very tasteless jokes about the latter award but it's Lent so I won't.
On a final note, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe got "Best Makeup." Well, the makeup was good in that movie, particularly on the Witch. She looked as though she was made of ice.
Well, off to literature. Theology was cancelled this morning, so just one class today. Woohoo!


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