Ubi Caritas

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Hair, sun, Texas et all

So here I am, hair carefully pinned up with the ends tucked under the pins (am trying to grow my hair out and if the ends get damaged it will have to be trimmed), wondering what possessed me to agree to stay in Texas during the summer.
It is May. In northern Illinois it is in the sixties. In Texas, it is well over 90.
There is something inherently wrong with a climate in which it is "normal" to be over 90 degrees in May.
I have submitted to the indignity of wearing a very, VERY wide-brimmed hat when I am outside. I have slathered myself in SPF 60 sunscreen (man, does that stuff stink!). I have even put large amounts of extra conditioner on the ends of my hair before I put it up.
Over 100 ounces of water per day? Check. Staying inside as much as possible during the hottest times? Check.
I strongly suspect that I look utterly ridiculous. However, I also must admit that I am not (however much I may wish to be) a Texas woman.
Texas women are tall, slender, tanned and, for the most part, blonde. I am 5-3, have an Irish peasant build (think broad shoulders and hips), can't tan to save my life (burn to a crisp if exposed to much sun), AND I have medium-brown hair wurly hair.
Finally, Texas women do not have to wear wide-brimmed hats to avoid horrendous sunburn.
Oh well. At least the hat is a wonderful shade of periwinkle. I think that I shall go put on some big, dangly earrings.
No wonder people think I look earth-mothery. Darn it, I am not a hippie!


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